
By MarilynParker


We went to look at the new cygnets in our local park and although there is only one on the photo we did see two at once but this is the better photo. Some people say there are 4 cygnets, some say 6 but a friend saw 4 eggs before they hatched.We fed the squirrels and birds. One squirrel was very tame and came right up to us to take nuts from Terry's hand.
We saw a jay in the park but very briefly and no time to get a photo. Also, a blue tit landed on a branch right in front of us but again, it flew off too quickly to get a snap.
Extra photo is something I spotted on our garden waste bin this morning! Zoom in for fun!
This afternoon I did some weeding in the front garden and planted up some "fill-in" plants which I hope will keep the weeds at bay when they grow a bit. I cleared quite a lot of the primroses as they are taking over - it's good that they fill in and keep the weeds off but when they are taking over the plants and shrubs they need managing! I need to shift some more yet. I won't get rid of them all of course.
I wanted to do more in the garden but didn't want to risk knackering myself up so I knocked off after watering in the newly planted stuff.
I didn't do the washing today on the strength of the forecast - which was for intermittent rain and a chance of thunderstorms. Not a speck of rain fell and no sign of any thunderstorm. Grrrr!

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