
By Sonset25


We've managed two dry dog walks today despite forecast of lightning.

Mr has been in a bad mood today.  He doesn't like Kyro's barking, tail wagging, running back and forth and barking in excitement at the preparation of his breakfast.  Hey-ho.

My blip is of one of my favourite chocolate bars.  I do love nutty plain chocolate. This had six wrappers on it.  Perhaps the machines aren't AI controlled.  As a student I worked in the summer in a packing factory.  We had to watch that the machines behaved and didn't get out of line and crush the contents being packed or the packaging itself.  It was quite an eye opener. 

Kyro had a funny episode this afternoon.  I heard a lot of commotion upstairs from Kyro and thought I'd better check on him.  Kyro had a collection of teabag envelopes all over his bed.  

Mr had purchased a box of ginger teabags from Waitrose.  He'd left them on the desk in the back bedroom with easy reach for a greyhound.  Kyro had chewed the box and much of the teabag envelopes.  

Kyro has form with chewing trophies from this desk.  Mr should be aware by now having lost several pencils.  Hey-ho.

Pleasant evening everyone.  

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