
By tridral

Glöyn byw

Glöyn byw ~ Butterfly

“If you are a young photographer remember to photograph the ordinary things around you, the people, places and events we all take for granted. Eventually time will make those photographs extraordinary”
― Marc Davenant

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Ar ôl dwy flwyddyn, mae'n amser symud ymlaen.  Mae'r babell wedi bod lle gwych i fi, ond, fel fi, mae'n dechrau dangos arwyddion o oedran. Felly heddiw tynnais i'r babell i lawr am yr amser olaf.

Yna roedden ni'n dechrau cario'r pren o'r baledi tu allan y tŷ i'r hanner ffordd i fyny'r ardd. Mae Nor'dzin wedi clirio'r 'cwtsh' i ni storio'r pren, wedi i warchod rhag unrhyw law, cyn i ni ddechrau adeiladu cwt newydd ar ben yr ardd (yfory).   Roedd llawer o bren a llawer o waith.  Roedd Daniel a fi yn cario'r pren tra roedd Nor'dzin yn ei sortio a'i bentyrru.

Rydw i wedi galw'r post hwn 'Glöyn byw' (butterfly) oherwydd y perthynas ieithyddol rhwng  Glöyn byw (butterfly) a phabell (tent). Mae'r enw 'pabell' yn dod o'r Lladin 'pāpiliō' (B=butterfly). Tybir fod bod pabelli'r milwyr Rhufain yn edrych fel Gloÿnnod byw yn lledaenu ar lawr. Felly mae'r enw 'pabell' yn dod o'r gair Ladin sy'n golygu Glöyn byw.

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After two years, it's time to move on. The tent has been a great place for me, but, like me, it's starting to show signs of age. So today I took the tent down for the last time.

Then we started carrying the wood from the pallets outside the house to halfway up the garden. Nor'dzin has cleared the 'hutch' for us to store the wood, to protect against any rain, before we start building a new hut at the top of the garden (tomorrow). There was a lot of wood and a lot of work. Daniel and I carried the wood while Nor'dzin sorted and stacked it.

I've called this post 'butterfly' because of the linguistic relationship between butterfly and tent. The name 'pabell'  ('tent') comes from the Latin 'pāpiliō' (butterfly). It is thought that the tents of the roman soldiers looked like butterflies spread out on the ground. So the name 'pabell' comes from the Latin word meaning Butterfly.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Yr hen babell
Description (English):  The old tent

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