
By rockit

(126) Death of the Hippo

I spent a couple of hours on the bike today, all within Glenrothes and with the aim of covering a few paths and streets that I've never yet set foot or wheel on. One of Scotland's 'New Towns', Glenrothes first appeared on the map in 1948 with the construction of the first houses. In 1965 the position of Town Artist was created and over the years and number of artists have created around 140 sculptures and murals which are located throughout the town. This sculpture (Death of the Hippo, David Harding/Stanley Bonnar 1972-1974) is new to me despite having cycled close by on numerous occasions. There is a complete and interactive map of all the public art locations here

In complete contrast to Glenrothes, I have finished editing video from a visit to Dunfermline last week. The first historic record for Dunfermline was made in the 11th century and Dunfermline Abbey was founded in 1128, centuries before Glenrothes was created. The video is on YouTube. 

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