
By Swann6

Corbiere Phare

This morning I wrote, had chats with both daughters, and took care of some odds and ends. 

Then I drove into the rural middle of the island to where Deb is dog sitting at a house I could not find. She actually had to drive out to see where I was (because I didn’t know, and Google certainly didn’t,). 

This evening we had dinner at a restaurant overlooking the lighthouse. Nostalgic, as this place used to be a very out-of-the-way rock disco when we were teens.

We walked along the causeway to enjoy the lighthouse’s 150th anniversary golden light. Haha I got a bit closer than when I photographed it from the ferry the other week! 

It was beautiful (and an invigorating walk) but then I had to negotiate those country lanes again and drop Deb back! I only took one wrong turning on the way home, LOL.

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