What I've Done

By JohnGravett

May the Fourth be with you!

Down to Staveley today where Deb was competing in the 18Km Trail Challenge, on a route frequently referred to as "The Sting in the tail". A mile from the finish, the trail climbs up to a fell top, before falling from there all the way to the finish - a really tiring final climb. I thought it'd be a great place to photograph tired runners, but imagine my surprise when I reached the top to be confronted by a Star Wars Stormtrooper. (It was actually a race marshall in costume, as May 4 is often known as Star Wars Day.

This pic simply had to be my Blip. That said, the conditions on the fell top were cloudy, windy and wet (and remarkably cold). The route up to there was extremely muddy, but Deb still set a respectable time on one of the hardest courses. I should have been competing, but have deferred my entry until next year on medical grounds.

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