Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

O is for Old Government House Hotel (OGH)…

As the name suggests this hotel was once the official residence of the Lieutenant Governors of Guernsey. At one time they lived in Castle Cornet but in 1671 a freak streak of lightening hit and destroyed the castle’s donjon.
Lord Hatton, who was Governor at the time, was lucky to escape with his life as the strike also destroyed several living quarters and killed Hatton’s wife, mother and several members of his staff. The Governor himself is said to have been blown out of the castle, still in his bed, and lodged on one of the high outer walls. In total, seven lives were lost and the donjon was completely destroyed. Castle Cornet’s keep has never been rebuilt.

During the occupation the OGH was used as a social club for the German soldiers.

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