9 and 3/4
I see this King’s Cross attraction is still going great guns (the Harry Potter Platform 9 3/4 for the blissfully unaware).
Extremely long day. After more celebrating than was wise yesterday, I did not sleep well. Up at 4.30, and off to the airport in visibility (rain) so low that I frequently doubted my headlights were turned on. Regardless, I had left early enough to get to the airport on time despite slow progress.
Flight was on time, journey to the office was tedious but tolerably efficient. Then a host of meetings. One of the things we do is a ‘legal surgery’ regularly so folk can bring us their issues and talk them through. Normally, that’s on Teams, but today we were all three of us in the office so booked the big meeting room, opened biscuits, and waited for customers. Now on Teams everyone has a little name tag on their screen, so I guess I’m out of the habit of remembering names; but this was just a stream of 20-something men coming in who all really look the same! Happily our admin support is the helpful type who announced everyone’s name as they arrived so I don’t think I made a fool of myself!
Later, a meeting with the Big Man, at which I had happily woken from my mid-afternoon lull and provided key information and Was Helpful. He signs off my invoices so very important to have him see my value!
Then off to KX for a comfortable journey up to York. Musing on the way whether they should have a dog-free carriage for the allergic (I’m not). Also, don’t let your dogs sit on the seats people!
Then, finally, to TallGirl’s and very welcome tea and bed.
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