Foxy's Folio


May The Fourth Be With Us

Street Park Run celebrated its 6th anniversary this morning although, due to lockdown, this was actually only the 237th event. 

Quite a few visitors seemed to have joined us for the occasion, swelling the numbers to over 100 for the first time in a while - we’re a small and select band!

Given the date, there were a few Star Wars outfits on display and for a while I found myself running with Princess Leia although she eventually showed me a clean pair of heels (I should point out in my defence, she was wearing running kit rather than the full costume -just the hair style gave her away!); the force wasn’t with me this morning like it has been the last couple of weeks.

This afternoon we have been in the garden, planting the rest of the recently purchased perennials and generally tidying up.

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