Next To The Squinty Bridge

We took the kids to the Science Museum today.

It is Across the Clyde from the Armadillo and has the IMax cinema attached.

It was sensory overload for the Cygnet .......... so much to see and do.

I spent a while trying to get some movement shots of the balls going through the big sculpture thingy ............. this was the best I managed.

A lot of the stuff is beyond the Cygnet, let alone Squirrel.
But there is a baby area and she loved it.

By the end of the day my body felt like this but was making no sense..

It is the big move tomorrow so the Cygnet is staying with us (his bed has already been taken apart ready to go but is going to his other grandparents in the morning ........ so that I can help move -- Ha!!!!!
SWMBO of course will be doing nothing but make tea and coffee (her words) due to not being allowed to drive or do anything 'strenuous' after her TIA. I can't see much coffee being made though because she can't stand the smell of if since her stroke a few years ago.

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