MarcyW Photography

By Marcy


Today I woke to a beautiful sunny day and was thrilled as had a wedding to shoot the afternoon. Then it became so dark inside, I looked out and saw heavy rain beating down.....I was not a happy photographer girl when I saw that...but it soon cleared into a lovely day.

I went to the bride to be's house at around 3pm...I did say I wanted to be there earlier, but was told that 3pm would suit I had 45 mins to settle in, find the right light and photograph the flowers, ring, shoes, dress and perfume. There was no doing the make up or putting on the dress, that was all very quickly done.
The couple walked to town, so I took a few images of them walking in the street with everyone looking at them....then we got to the museum where the official service was going to take place...we went indoors, I sat through the service, it was all read, so not very personal, and all in German so I had NO idea what was being said...I did photograph them signing and exchanging rings and a few others. Then we went out and the brides friends from work were all waiting for her, again I photographed 5pm I told the couple I only had till 6pm to do the photo's at the castle as I had to leave to teach a class....
5.30pm they arrived at the castle and I had 30 mins to try do as much as I could with them...
They kissed, hugged and did their thing and all I had to do was photograph them..

Got home at 6.20pm, changed and quickly made Sardine's and salad and went off to home at 9pm, bathed and now going through the images from the day.

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