
By evolybab

Lichfield ..

Day 4
Homeward bound today, with a stop off at the charming town of Lichfield. There is never enough time to explore thoroughly, but I did like what I saw, the mixture of modern style buildings in with the old heritage builds, and the very attractive pedestrianised shopping area, around Market Square, was lovely. I spent a while in the house of Samuel Johnson who took nine years to write his dictionary, a popular and well respected man. The name Garrick popped up, as it did in Stratford-upon-Avon. There is a very modern looking Lichfield Garrick theatre.  See extras. Then had a wander to the park, viewing the magnificent cathedral across the river. The sun was out by then, so sat and read for a while. Very little energy today after yesterday's 'marathon' and suffering a disturbed nights sleep when the fire alarm was set off three times by some vandal...how it happened I don't know!!
Home by mid afternoon and the decorators have done a good job. Did a bit of sorting out and tidying up, the majority can wait till the weekend...just want my bed back!!
Glad to be home !

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