Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

The Bears Head

I'd arranged with my dad that I'd call in on him late morning but he forgot and had arranged this morning to go out for dinner with a friend!  Never the less we had a quick catch up.

 I went into Penarth (nr Cardiff, South Wales UK) to take some photo's of The Bears Head (a JD Wetherspoon pub): It's a very busy pub but is due to close soon, the reason I understand is the lease has come to an end and the landlord wants too much of an increase!  The extra is of inside.
Nice to get some photo's to record it as once it's gone, it's gone!

W-I-D-E on Wednesday Challenge Results

After a month off, I'm back as host. A lot of entries this week on the theme  of 'nature', with many lovely photo's!  I hope you agree with most of the ones I've chosen!

1.  Aynil                        Seagulls (Istanbul)
2.  AH14                      Moor Chricel
3.  Larchlea                 sunrise
4.  Bugsman               misty morning (b&w)
5.  BillThe Kat             Bull Rush Pond

Honourary Mentions...

Trisharooni                 Autumn garden
Maureen6002            West shore
Kipsie                          Chudleigh Knighton Heath
Cherryflapjack          Cowslip
DollyDoug                   Blossom Tree

Thanks to all who tagged blips - I hope you enjoy it!

Lens used:   VM mount Voigtlander 15mm F4.5 mk iii (manual focus)

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