What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?

The girls ate dinner in tent again tonight, this is great, I'm only having to get the hoover out 5 times a day now!!!

Colin woke me up at stupid o clock this morning screaming at me "GET UP, IT'S AN EMERGENCY" I thought something awful had happened, jumped out of bed but Colin was just having a situation with his suitcase.... He didn't get a cheery wave goodbye!!! He arrived safely, called me at 5 pm, slurred some waffle down the phone and promised me he would drink plenty of water and have something to eat!!

We had a lovely evening playing in the sunshine, Elliot and I made up a game of tying a tea towel around his head then gently pulling it off, it was great fun (for a 3 year old) not so much fun when it was my turn. I put the tea towel on my head and he ripped it off, unfortunately he took half my hair with it...!!

I haven't had much adult conversation today, you'll have to excuse my drivel!!!

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