Big Hill

By bighill

Fishing boat!

I managed a couple of hours in the studio today and watched (or actually participated in) a painting go sideways!!!   Won't even put it in the extras....gave me a lot of grief!!!   And after 2 big paintings flowing so well - oh well, let it go and it's not a big deal....i will either paint over the whole thing - and hopefully learn something....or i'll rescue it!!!

Had a great session with Cheryl....these past 4 months of engaging with her have been so valuable and so rewarding.....we spent some time recapping and looking forward, also looking at the 2 large was a very insightful session for me.   Not feeling so worried that i'll loose the threads i have found this time.....only 3 more days of focused painting then it's back behind the wheel.

We headed down to Englishtown around 5sh....had a lovely walk, it was a bit chilly but there was a lovely wide swath of sand which makes walking so much more enjoyable for me!!!   The usual car picnic happened also.

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