
By Grammy

Bearded Iris

We were up early today. Hubby and the Knights were doing a living Rosary with the students from one of our local Catholic elementary schools. Millie made another mess so I helped with that before he left. I decided to take a day off from outside work; my muscles are still screaming. The birds needed fresh water and seed. While out there, I pulled a few weeds and trimmed the spent blooms from the iris, tulips and daffodils. These old fashioned purple iris were a gift from my sister’s friend Mark. Hubby brought back enough laundry to make three loads. They took up much of my day. He volunteered to take Chase to the orthodontist for a 12:30 appointment. He left home at 11:30, got to the office at 12:15 only to find out they were closed for lunch until 1:00. Hubby and Chase finally got lunch at Panera at 2:30. Hubby will take him home since school is over for the day. They stopped by to show me how straight his teeth are post braces. So glad hubby volunteered; I would have accomplished little sitting in the car all day. I partially packed my clothes and non-perishable food for our trip. My sister and I worked on our May WV menu. They will be there a few days before us. We’ll have to unpack the camper, mow the lawn, do our camping laundry and take my mother to the podiatrist on the 16th. We’ll head to the farm on the 17th. It should be a fun and adventurous summer for us. Hubby has a meeting tonight. I’ll catch up with your journals. Hope you have fun summer plans. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. “Don’t be afraid to show your true colors, like an iris that blooms in vibrant hues.” - successfulspirit.comes

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