
By hazelh

Spooky bells

I'm beginning to feel much more like myself now that I am beginning to shake off the pain and misery of the past few days. The good news is that my new drug regime seems to be working well. Even as the effects of each dose wears off, the pain that returns is nowhere near as severe as it was at the weekend

Although I still don't feel up to proper exercise, today I was able to go for a lovely walk with my gym friend Karen and her dog Ernie. Along the way I introduced them to Warriston cemetery for the first time. It was here that I photographed these pink bluebells (with blue ones behind them) amongst the misty tombs. 

On our way home Karen and I stopped at Café Florentin for coffee. Here we ended up sitting at a table next to Stuart, one of Jack's fellow band members. Not long afterwards I messaged Jack to tell him about this encounter. He replied to report that this information had already been passed on to him by his 'spy'. You really can't keep your movements secret in this city!

This afternoon Mummy hazelh joined me in the study as I wrote a blog post about Marina's new job at the University of Stirling.

I am looking forward to an even more sociable day tomorrow.

Exercise today: walking (14,081 steps).

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