
By Mrsmacdub

An interesting day

We reported for duty at 9am this morning, along with another member of our Rotary group. The duty?  To shepherd three groups of 16-year-old girls plus a handful of young people training to be farmers between three different areas at the Oamaru Athletic RFC.  They were there to attend the RYDA course to, hopefully, learn how to be responsible drivers.  There were six sessions of thirty minutes each, including one outside where a police officer drove a car at speeds of 30km, 50km and 70km per hour, braking at the same point each time to show how long it takes to stop at each speed - quite scary!  The other sessions were equally interesting and quite hard-hitting, giving lots of food for thought for the young drivers - not to mention older ones.  It was an interesting and informative day, we didn’t have to do anything taxing, it made a change from sorting books … and they even fed us.  We do it all again tomorrow with a different set of students.

My emergency blip is of two paintings by an artist called Ken Moroney.

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