
By KathyH58

Forsythia hedge

The forsythia is in full bloom right now. This hedge only had a few blooms last year, the polar vortex killed most of the buds. It's nice to see it blooming this year. In a couple of weeks I will give it a good haircut, it grows a couple of feet a year. I may see if some cuttings from it will root, to be used elsewhere.

Work went well today. A couple of more cleanups complete, weeding and raking completed at another property and mulch was spread at a 4th location.

My stomach seems to have stopped cramping this evening. I am hoping that the worst is over now.

Hmm..the roommate went out this afternoon and when he came home he was carrying what looked like a couple of moving boxes. Maybe he plans to be out of here before the end of May and he hasn't bothered to tell me. He has 3 more hours to get his rent for May deposited into my account. If it is not there in the morning, I will leave a note taped to his door that says BYE.....TODAY, and that I want the house key and mailbox key returned to me. And he better take the garbage that he has left in the garage with him.

After me telling him for 3 months that there is a problem with him snoring all night, and he used the excuse that he would fall asleep without his mask on, or that it moved when he rolled over at night, it must have finally dawned on him that something was wrong. He had an Amazon package delivered yesterday and I never heard him snoring last night. Tonight I was getting some of my recycle stuff out of the garage and I noticed a bag with the old tubing from his CPAP machine there. We shall see what happens tonight.

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