
By HeidiHH


Visit to the orthopedist. 0 value. Didn't get anything out of him that would help me advance. So no more crutches and I will see the physiotherapist next week. He will help me build strength on my leg. I do have level 2 out of 4 osteoarthritis on my both knees. But also my joints look good for my age. So.... At some point I may need new knees.

So more cycling and swimming. Less running and dancing. Pilates is okay. Areal yoga is okay.

So as the doctor told me that "I can do what I wish to do" , I went for a light cycling with my husband and we played a little with the hover drone. My rehabilitation has been light cycling for the past 3 weeks, so I thought I will try it. If my leg doesn't hurt too bad, I will cycle tomorrow too. I'm gonna take advantage of the extra holiday with the fantastic weather we have.

From the pictures you can see that there's no green yet. Everything is brown and beige. There's small buds, which will hopefully open very soon.

Yesterday I saw 3 butterflies and bees and flies and a beetle. So life is returning after winter.

The tomatoes I planted yesterday were okay, but the cucumbers seem be suffering a bit. I hope they will pick up. If not I will plant some seeds to replace the flowering plants.

Pictures taken around Lake Sylvöjärvi.

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