Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948


A rather dull and drizzly day, though it cleared up later on. I brought up all the chitted seed potatoes from the garage - I must get them planted down at Glencruitten Walled Garden before we go on holiday in ten days time.

I had intended to go to Dunollie this afternoon to put some labels out, but couldn't summon the energy. Not having been off the property I had to search for a Blip, and decided on this interesting creature! A while ago we went to a craft fair in Oban and among many wonderful and amazing things was a table full of knitted creatures, including this chameleon. I remarked to Mrs M just how fantastic it was and how tempted I was to buy it. I think the ladies on the stall were amused.

However a few days ago when I went to take some clothes out of a drawer I found his head poking out! Mrs M, knowing the lady who'd knitted it, bought it for me for a laugh!  I love it!

Quote of the Day: - Is Fate getting what you deserve, or deserving what you get?” – Jodi Picoult.

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