
By LesTension


It's Tiny Tuesday and I'm Blipping my tomato seedlings.  Compared to mustard seeds they're huge....but compared to how large they WILL BE in a few weeks, they're pretty tiny.
They are only 29 days old from seed and, presently, living in my basement under a phalanx of grow lights.  They'll remain here for another few weeks until I need to harden them off outside.....yes Martha, even plants can get sunburned if they are not gradually introduced to UV light. 
I love Yellow Pear tomatoes....about an inch long and pear-shaped (DUH!) and low acid.  I eat them as a snack while watching TV.  But seedlings are not easy to find around here so I'm forced to grow my own from seed.  I also plant enough to share with neighbors.  In addition, I have Yellow Beefsteak variety for sandwich use and an abundance of Roma tomatoes for making salsa.  I love salsa!  And they keep very well for long periods of time.  Home grown tomatoes.....nothing quite like it.  Store bought tomatoes taste like cardboard to me.....more closely to what I think cardboard would taste like as I eat very little cardboard.
I'll Blip the plants once they're in the ground somewhere around the first week of June.....maybe I'll wait a little while until they get really big and you can see the young fruits "on the vine."  Then you can all drool.
I'm adding a Biology Lesson for the day after-the-fact.  Dunno if y'all know this but tomatoes belong to the Genus Solanum, which is the Nightshade group of plants many of which are seriously poisonous.  Potatoes are also a member of this Family both of which are closely related to the deadly Hemlock (Atropa belladonna).   The plant is reputed to have caused the death of Socrates.  It contains many toxic alkaloids among which are Atropine, Scopolamine and Hyoscyamine.  In low doses they are useful in treating certain conditions such as motion sickness.  BUT......knowing the reputation of Poison Hemlock, think about the courage it took for the first human to eat a tomato. The leaves and flowers look exactly like those of Poison Hemlock...very difficult to tell apart.  So.......all you lovers of salsa and Italian food have a courageous ancestor to thank for his bravery....not to mention the Bloody Mary.  Thus endeth the lesson.

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