Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos


These were my Aunts.  She was a very religious woman all her life and aside from this wee box, she had a number of rosary beads, crosses, and other items.  She also had a number of pins or badges but I kept this one of the bridge which I am thinking a blipper might like.  I would not be surprised if she or a family member went to the opening.  She would have been around 9 at the time.

I did some more admin for her (notification of death) and finding a home for some furniture of hers.  I picked up my watch which was a surprise as they had the parts afterall.  I wasn't expecting it for a couple of weeks.  Maggy got a walk and of course stole a ball.  And now it is pelting down.  We are told we are in for a week of rain.  I hope it reaches those that need it.

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