It Wasn't Exactly A Dark And Stormy Night, But.... was a gray and rainy morning as we gathered at FBC to join our hearts and voices in worship and praise to God for Who He is and all He blesses us with---including the rain that made it a little challenging to get to church today. For those of us who did manage to get there, it was worth it! We began our service with a congregational song, followed by the welcome from McGinty. Next the choir, orchestra and all our talented accompanists presented one of our newer anthems, "Because He Lives Amen". The congregation joined in with us for a few more congregational songs, which included one pf my personal favorites, "The Goodness Of God". After all the wonderful music was finished, Pastor Wes took us to Ephesians 1:13-14 to let us know more about the Holy Spirit. He reminded us that the Holy Spirit is a person, not a nebulous "it", that He enters the believer at the moment a person professes faith in Christ alone for salvation, that we get all of Him at one time, that once He is living in us we can never lose Him and that He provides our "foretaste" of what Heaven will be like-----and that was only the beginning of the sermon. Pastor Wes had so much more to say and you can see it on the Live-stream. At the end of the service, two of our boys that have participated in the AWANA program over a period of years and qualified for the highest award, the Timothy Award, through completing certain requirements were presented with their trophies in front of the whole congregation and then we got let them know how proud of them we are. Congratulations Colin and Holden---well done!
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