
By Grammy


Hallelujah, Millie slept until 6:30, and so did Grammy. I was leary of looking on her kitty bed, she was so quiet. But she was sitting there waiting patiently for breakfast. Last night’s game ended with Parker’s team winning 14-4. It was the last home game of the season. I prepared dinner for a young family whose mother/wife just got out of the hospital. She is the daughter of my friend Cheryl who passed away a year ago this month. Brandi lived with her and she is still grieving. Kristen was going past their home to pick up Mack so she dropped the meal off for me. I fed the birds and cleaned one flower bed. Little by little I am getting the property ready for summer. The garden I must work on next has this azalea in bloom. We planted three bushes like this one in front of my kitchen and dining room windows when we built the house. This is the only survivor. And a large section of it died during the winter so it will be smaller now. Thought I’d blip it in bloom in case it is its last year. I cleaned up my cooking mess, ate lunch and sat down for prayer time. My sister’s text (at 3:45 pm) woke me up thankfully. You’re supposed to rest on Sunday, correct? lol. Kristen invited us to dinner but my BIL just got home from WV and is too tired for more driving. He and a friend went up to retrieve his old truck that was finally “repaired”. I will ride up to Kristen’s after prayer now that I am refreshed. Maybe I can read the rest of your journals when I return if I don’t get back too late. Sure hope your weekend was refreshing. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting and leaving “gifts”. “Blossom by blossom, the spring begins.” – Algernon Charles Swinburne

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