Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Back to the birds

In 2010 in the equivalent week we stayed in the same Holiday Lodge we are in today. In the Journal kept in the lodge by visitors I had written down all the birds we saw in the week.

We are going to try the same thing. The 2010 list is impressive and from other notes it was much better weather - a good deal warmer that year.

So will this bird species count be higher or lower ?

I think it will be a close run thing but perhaps some different birds will appear to replace the one or two we will struggle to find.

4th May The Results are in

Species total was 55 one less than in 2010.

There were 8 in that list we didn’t find this week but 7 species that were ‘new’ not listed then. The best was on Friday Kingfisher !

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