Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

The communal courtyard

This is our little communal courtyard. The communal courtyard is for the use of the twelve properties in our little complex. It has a whirly gig and it is home to the private bins that belong to some of the holiday lets. We never use the communal courtyard because we have our own little sunny sun terrace, and our own washing line, and our own bin outside our own property, for when we are holiday letting our house. However, to get to our property we have to walk through the communal courtyard to access the outdoor steps which take us up to our house.

Ever since we came back to Cornwall, just over a week ago, Ann has ranted at me every time we go in or out. As if it's my fault? The weeds around the whirly gig were really tall, there were loads of weeds along the side of the building and there were loads of weeds growing in between the patio slabs. The communal courtyard looked a right old mess. Yes we do have someone who is supposed to tidy it on a regular basis but it never seems to happen. 

Today Mr Sunshine was shining brightly, so after my first thing in the morning walk, Ann said, 'Trixie, I'm not working till 1pm. Let's spend a couple of hours tidying the communal courtyard. I really can't bear this any longer.'

Ann should have taken some 'before' photos but she was so busy giving me a little pep talk and telling me that I wasn't to go wandering off she forgot. Anyway this is what it looked like when she had finished. She's still got to cut back all the ivy behind the bins and cut back all the vegetation in the left side of this photo, but tbh, she's dreading doing this because she has a feeling there might be rats that live in the vegetation??!!  Nothing to suggest this – she just has a fear of rats and they seem to be all over St Ives atm.

She filled two big bagful's with weeds and rubbish. You wouldn't believe how much rubbish had just been chucked behind all these bins. Holiday makers just don't seem to care anymore. These bins are kept locked, (because the owners have to pay to have their rubbish removed), but obviously holiday makers either get given a key to them or the code to the lock, but it would seem that some of them are too lazy to use it. We collected 6 wine bottles that had just been thrown behind the bins. Ann has put them in her recycling box, but she shouldn't have to do that.

OK.................... I guess my human better stop ranting.

She took me down to the beach before she went to work and I played with my ball. It was absolutely beautiful down on the beach. The sun was shining and the sky was blue and the sea was turquoise. It was positively Mediterranean like. There weren't many people about because St Ives is really quiet this year, but those that were there, were dressed in summer clothes. If Ann hadn't been going to work, she would definitely have gone for a sea swim and ditched the wetsuit. Lol!

Ann worked 1-6pm and when she came home I went into the field for a play. Now I've gobbled up my dinner and I'm back in bed having a snooze.
Ann wishes she was in bed having a snooze, but she's not. Too many jobs to do.

Happy Sunday Evening Blippers. xxx

PS - Ann has put up some solar powered lights in the communal courtyard so she's just waiting for it to get dark so she can check if they're working,  She just wants the communal areas around our house to be nice.  Surely that's not too much to ask?

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