Cow and Calf Sunburst

I've spent so much time moaning about work lately that it feels right to acknowledge a better day when it comes along. I've got some long-standing problems sorted and come up with some neat design solutions to issues that have come out of this week's testing. I've been more in the zone today than I have for quite a while. The pressure is still there but it's eased enough to give us all space to think and breathe a little.

Although I got a lot done it still took me longer than expected, for once more down to the complexity of the problems than my own failings, which meant a fairly late cycle back from the office, delayed a bit further still because I caught the end of Andy Murray's five set cliffhanger against the wonderful Fernando Verdasco. No sound on my desktop machine at work but the atmosphere was still amazing. It was the very first tennis I've seen so far this fortnight. I love Wimbledon so that realisation made me a little sad this evening. It was great to see the Spaniard smiling so broadly after he'd lost. What a great sportsman. It was almost as if he knew he was never destined to win but just enjoyed playing his role in putting the emotions of the British public through the wringer!

Enjoyed a steady cycle back on the moor road, with the overcast skies finally clearing to allow the sun to break through. I couldn't resist stopping by the Cow and Calf rocks here to record the scene. From here, it's exactly a mile home, all downhill. I was outside my front door two minutes later! It's not a bad life.

Roam was out at the cricket club but he had recorded the highlights of the Tour de France for me to watch. What a stage win for Cavendish. He just keeps delivering the goods. The Manxman is a God. I don't think it's possible to convey just how good this guy is at sprinting. In so many ways these fast stages are a dangerous lottery, except that this one man keeps on winning. It's extraordinary.

I'm heeding your advice and relaxing around the comments. Thank you. I'm not going to have Roam around at home much longer so time spent hanging out together isn't being squandered, even watching a silly film, or the Apprentice, as we did tonight. He's even preparing for university life by doing some cooking. He put together a pasta dish last night for us all which was really rather good. Even his brother had to admit to how much he enjoyed it. High praise indeed.

Finally, thanks to all those who managed to identify the mystery book. You're amazing! It wasn't on the stall today so perhaps she ended up buying a copy. Looks like a fun read.

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