The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

Sisterly Love

For today's challenge - siblings.

This wasn't the shot I wanted to do. The other thing was related to another "sister" type ornament my little sister gave me previously but since that is still in a box somewhere and the first moment I got to blip tonight was about 11:51pm I was somewhat pushed to pick something quick.

I think my sister gave this to me when I was her bridesmaid in 2006.

So I love my sister, truly I do and as we have grown up I think we generally have a much better relationship. I totally resented her growing up and often we were compared and contrasted as you do with one lovely blonde child and then one ginger (the ginger being me, of course).

I think what I realised when we were adults was that she had almost the same thing in terms of feeling often compared to me - I think it was good old sibling positioning at work.

Now, here we are, adults living 400 or so miles apart and I often miss her and wish we were closer. I also completely miss her adorable little children and thank goodness she chooses to blip as often as she can. My sibling can be found here.

Anyways bed is calling.

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