Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles

Graden Progess

The garden is getting there! Admittedly it's a bit of a tip still, but the turf went in this afternoon round the edges, the patio area is almost finished which doesn't leave too much to do. There is an area at the back we're (hubby and I) battling about. I hate conifers. I think they are boring and well, green. I don't mind the one you can see on the left too much, at least it's growing taller.

However the one on the right (you can't quite see it, it's in the area of mud we're having left grass free) doesn't grow. It's not dead, just doesn't grow. I want to remove it and put in maybe a cherry blossom tree with some shrubs, or a hydrangea or ANYTHING with some colour/flowers that doesn't need much attention!

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