
By spannarama

Woodland walk

I had the afternoon off work today, so that Tim and I could go and get eye tests in Barnstaple.  That all went fine, although we came away considerably poorer (worse for Tim, who needed three new pairs of glasses - I was lucky and only needed one new pair).  

We dropped in to the garden centre on the way back home, and I bought a couple of large pots for the front garden (for a couple of plants we'd already bought and slightly underestimated the size of).  I potted those up when we got back - and exhausted myself lugging the bags of compost and grit up and down the steps from the back garden to the front.  I was still keen to go for a walk though, to follow the magical woodland path I'd started along yesterday.  Tim came with me, and we ended up a bit 'off piste' (it was definitely a path up to a certain point, then seemed to become a very steep animal track or water course).  Scrambled back down safely, and retraced our steps to home :)

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