
By carliewired

61 F/ 15 C

Colours have been grayed
by the dim light left without
sunshine this morning


I was out the door just before 8 this morning. It's a gray start which never enthuses me. I know photos will be lack lustre in my opinion. 

I took the quiet drive along the hillside on Ord Road. I turned towards the airport at its end to get to Vantage Point on the river. There is construction along this route so driving can be slow going. 

I see that the docking has been put in place but the float planes are still parked within the airport fence. I wonder if the northern lakes which I believe these planes service might still be icy. 

I can see the memorial Snowbird plane across the east end of the runway. The park that is to surround it has not been completed or opened to public use. 

I got a shot of my mountains looking over the Rivers Trail. 

I'm on my way to a morning appointment soon and then I'll have a business lunch before returning home to paperwork in the afternoon. 

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