
By Hamp5on

Prayer room props

An EB despite having ample opportunity to take photos today!! Not least with a lovely lady called Ali! She and I met late morning. We've wanted to have some time together for ages, today was the day. We went to a lovely quaint (tiny) teahouse in town. Fine china tea cups, a local infusión of Ibiza herbs, a slice of homemade cake... It's like stepping into an emporium. The owner got chatting and it turns out his godmother was English and every day after school he and his mom would go to her house and have afternoon tea! So these British traditions were his childhood despite being ibicencan through and through. Turns out we have quite a few friends in common, so that was lovely to discover.
Tonight was Chaplaincy zoom - good discussions around culture.
Blipped are some props for our next 24 hours of prayer, Friday into Saturday. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with Ali - what a special soul. And getting to know Félix a little too!
2) An hilarious time with the kids this afternoon. 100 other things I *should* have been doing, but fun with them seemed the most important.
3) Asha feeling bubbly post school. Hope we've shifted into a new stage of feeling more settled into school life now. 

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