Bonnie Oban Bay (not)

Poster drop round Mid Argyll. Form filled to get cooncil to try to stump up cost of having a reception for our Irish visitors (nothing is simple with that lot) have come to the conclusion that the way they justify their jobs is by creating gazillions of forms for us lesser mortals to fill in! Besides our cooncil is in such dissaray that no one knows who if anyone is running the shop!

Then horsed up to Oban to sort out more stuff for Irish accommodtion, grabbed some food & ate on the hoof, then a couple more things then home!
Got in , chubby hubby chomping at the bit, hadnt made food for himself or fed the dogs "didnt know when you would be home or if dogs were fed" of course my phone had gone flat, so he had no way of contacting me! stupid android it uses the battery up in half a day! going to start carryiong my old BB as back up as it lasts longer! Anyhow why cant blokes see that if the little wife is not in by the usual dinner time, they should make their own damn dinner or eat the dogs!
Happy blipping all

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