One life to live

By otornblom

Positive psychology

We ran some errands in the afternoon and had a walk in the Sorsapuisto park. 

I participated to a webinar about positive psychology in the evening. Summary below.

Positive Emotion

Positive emotions include hope, interest, joy, love, compassion, pride, amusement, and gratitude.

Increasing positive emotions help individuals to build physical, intellectual, psychological, and social resources that lead to resilience and overall wellbeing.

Ways to build positive emotion may include:

* Spend time with people you care about 
* Do hobbies and creative activities that you enjoy 
* Listen to uplifting or inspirational music 
* Reflect on things you are grateful for and what is going well in your life 


Flow, or this concept of engagement, occurs when the perfect combination of challenge and skill/strength is found

Ways to increase engagement:

* Participate in activities that you really love, where you lose track of time when you do them
* Practice living in the moment, even during daily activities or mundane tasks 
* Spend time in nature, watching, listening, and observing what happens around you 
* Identify and learn about your character strengths, and do things that you excel at 

Positive Relationships

Relationships refer to feeling supported, loved, and valued by others. Research has demonstrated that sharing good news or celebrating success fosters strong bonds and better relationships. Additionally, responding enthusiastically to others, particularly in close or intimate relationships, increases intimacy, wellbeing, and satisfaction.

How to build relationships:

* Join a class or group that interests you.
* Ask questions of the people you don’t know well to find out more about them.
* Create friendships with people you are acquainted with.
* Get in touch with people you have not spoken to or connected with in a while.


Another intrinsic human quality is the search for meaning and the need to have a sense of value and worth. Having a purpose in life helps individuals focus on what is really important in the face of significant challenge or adversity.

Ways to build meaning:

* Get involved in a cause or organization that matters to you
* Try new, creative activities to find things you connect with.
* Think about how you can use your passions to help others.
* Spend quality time with people you care about.


A sense of accomplishment is a result of working toward and reaching goals, mastering an endeavor, and having self-motivation to finish what you set out to do. This contributes to wellbeing because individuals can look at their lives with a sense of pride 

Ways to build accomplishment:

* Set goals that are SMART – specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound
* Reflect on past successes.
* Look for creative ways to celebrate your achievements.

The Plus (+) 

Yet happiness goes beyond just these five elements, and the + can include other important areas we well, such as optimism, nutrition, physical activity and sleep. These are areas equally important to mental wellbeing.

-1°C light snowfall all night and all day

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