Everyday Life

By Julez


I won't say I was busy! I've done more or less the same as yesterday, only it was the front room I cleaned today. And it was the bottom Tesco I went to today, just for milk and crusty cheese bread rather than a full weekly shop.

On the way home from Tesco I noticed this bee on the sweet nettles alongside the path. I'm surprised it was there as it has been another cold and wet day.

I washed my hair today, for the first time since the hairdresser did it. I loved how she dried it which is why I left it as long as possible before I messed it up by washing it. It looks so much worse now! I'm going to have to get some heat protection spray and start using my straighteners again! It looks like a bush now!

I'm freezing! Is it me or is it cold?

It's St. George's Day, isn't it? I don't get how someone who was a half Turkish, half Syrian Roman soldier who never set foot in England came to be our patron saint. If he did come here now they'd stick him on that dodgy barge owned by a Tory donor until they were allowed to send him to Rwanda... 

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