An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Build it and they will come....

Look! The path to the Gin Palace is making progress :)) Hopefully work on extending the decking will begin soon. I'm getting so impatient!

Good day today. Lie in for Alan, non-fasting day for me (bacon sarnie for lunch ;) holiday list writing and discovering the reason I have been feeling so crap for a week is I have an infection. Trip to docs (I absolutely love my new health centre. Brilliant service) Three day course of antibiotics should see me right (or as right as I'll ever be! :)

And the sun shone :D

D is doing Alan's dinner then going to make ours. He's a star :)

Oh and Alan's new pal Andrew's mum phoned so Andrew is coming over to hang out with Alan next week :))) Everybody happy :D

Happy Hump Day peeps....and I promise I will try and get some commenting done. Not easy when I keep falling asleep every time I sit down but at least now I know why.

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