Os achubwn natur, mae natur yn ein hachub
Os achubwn natur, mae natur yn ein hachub ~ If we save nature, nature saves us
“The moon is high and yellow in the sky outside my window. It is a display of sublime beauty. It is also a cry for mercy — that this world is worth saving. Mostly, though, it is a defiant articulation of hope that, despite the state of the world, the moon continues to shine. ”
― Nick Cave
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Ym mis Ebrill 2024 roedd Richard Cowie o Grŵp Gweithredu Cronfa Dŵr, yn siarad â'r Sefydliad y Merched, Eglwys Newydd am achub cronfeydd dŵr Llanisien a Llys-faen rhag cael ei wneud yn stad o dai. Mae'n anodd deall sut unrhywun yn gallu gweld y cronfeydd dŵr ac yn meddwl 'Tai, gadewch i ni adeiladu tai'. Roedd cynllun Western Power Distribution ac yn gyrru gan y meddwl am wneud arian, dwi'n siŵr. Mae'n stori hir ond yn y diwedd roedd y cronfeydd dŵr yn cael eu hachub gan ffyngau.
Roedd y Grŵp Gweithredu Cronfeydd Dŵr wedi dod o hyd ffyngau prin. Roedd y ffyngau yn mor, mor arbennig roedd hi'n amhosib adeiladu tai ar y safle.Nawr mae'r cronfeydd dŵr fel Gwarchodfa Natur ac mae'r lle hyfryd i ymweld, cerdded ac ymlacio.
Felly heddiw, gyda diolch i Grŵp Gweithredu Cronfeydd Dŵr, Celsa, Dŵr Cymru ac wrth gwrs Sefydliad y Merched, Eglwys Newydd, ond dim diolch i Western Power Distribution, aethon ni am dro o gwmpas cronfeydd dŵr Llanisien a Llysfaen. Maen lle hyfryd iawn i ffwrdd o draffig, gyda sŵn o adar gwyllt a golygfeydd gwych o ddŵr agored a'r bryniau yn y pellter.
Felly, yn lle stad tai, gyda llawer o bobl, ceir, sŵn, ayyb, rydyn ni'n cael ardal dawel lle pobl yn gallu dod o hyd i rywfaint o heddwch ac ymlacio y mae mawr ei angen.
Mae’n da i weld bod weithiau mae ymgyrchoedd ar gyfer natur yn llwyddiannus. Yn yr achos hwn, tybed, a wnaethon ni achub y ffyngau, neu a wnaeth y ffyngau ein hachub?
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In April 2024 Richard Cowie from the Reservoir Action Group, was speaking to the Women's Institute, Whitchurch about saving the reservoirs of Llanishen [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Llanishen_Reservoir] and Lisvane [https://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Lisvane_Reservoir] from being made into a housing estate. It is hard to understand how anyone can see the reservoirs and think 'Houses, let's build houses'. The Western Power Distribution scheme was driven by the thought of making money, I'm sure. It's a long story but in the end the reservoirs were saved by fungi.
The Reservoir Action Group found rare fungi. The fungi were so, so special it was impossible to build houses on the site. Now the reservoirs are like a Nature Reserve and are a wonderful place to visit, walk and relax.
So today, with thanks to the Reservoir Action Group, Celsa, Dŵr Cymru and of course the Women's Institute, Whitchurch, but no thanks to Western Power Distribution, we went for a walk around Llanishen and Lisvane reservoirs. It is a very lovely place away from traffic, with the sound of wild birds and great views of open water and the hills in the distance.
So, instead of a housing estate, with lots of people, cars, noise, etc, we get a quiet area where people can find some much needed peace and relaxation.
It is good to see that sometimes campaigns for nature are successful. In this case, I wonder, did we save the fungi, or did the fungi save us?
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Adlewyrchiad mewn cronfa ddŵr
Description (English): Reflection in a reservoir
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