
By SpotsOfTime


A lovely day. Met up with R and J&C at Rheged for lunch. It’s been many years since I last saw J&C …we couldn’t quite work out how long but collective memories finally managed some recall. We all used to work together several lifetimes ago. J kindly bought a copy of the international bestseller Transactions of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society in which she had (rather astonishingly) seen my name referenced in the article on ‘The Lost Wells of Galloway’ project … . I’m astounded she noticed it … talk about small print.

After J&C headed off, R and I walked over to the old stomping ground and had a look at the old place quietly rotting away, untouched since I moved out. The footpath through the woods was at its pristine best, the sun glistening on the Eamont, bluebells emerging, wood anemone, primroses, great clumps of dog violets and carpets of celandine and wild garlic. Gorgeous. We made our way back to Rheged and R headed back into the Lakes for the rest of his adventures and I popped into a virtually empty Booths on my way home.

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