
By Jackyt

Lunch break

After a walk with the dogs in the woods I went and did Parkrun.
Back for a shower then onto the Royal Cornwall Showground at wadebridge for Keely's last session of her Courageous K9 course.
We were split into 2 teams and were timed as we ran the course of obstacles. My team won and I was so pleased with Keely, she has really gained confidence at the sessions.
I then had 2 and a half hours to kill before Keely's scent detection class. I popped over to Padstow farm shop where a friend of mine was working. We had a chat, I bought some salad for lunch and a coffee then drove down the road to a layby with this lovely view. I sat in the back of the van with the dogs and ate my lunch, watched the swallows flying around and listened to the skylarks.
Scent detection wasn't a great success, either Keely was tired or just anxious about all the strange people. We have homework to do ;-)

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