A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Part of J's final art show at Uni involved a number of reupholstered stools for some of the audience to sit on.  They've been lurking in various corners here since.

Our piano stool, inherited from E's family along with the piano, had yet again started to come apart at the corner.  Long thin legs relying on only a couple of slim tenon joints is not up to casual use by random people.

Noting that one of J's stools was indeed a piano stool, albeit that the height adjusting mechanism was seized and had clearly had a bit of a violent history, I set about fixing that as a workable replacement meanwhile restoring the original stool..

With a certain amount of aggression I got the mechanism moving again, gave the woodwork a quick coat or three of varnish, and lo, we have a piano stool we're less bothered about.  Ironically, despite the fairly slapdash, pragmatic 'restoration', it's rather better designed for the purpose and is far less likely to need repair again.

I've probably devalued it's worth as Art tho'.  Let's hope J's 'Early Period' doesn't become too sought-after.

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