Adam's Images

By ajt

Big silhouette

Just before Christmas a circus was set up at the hippodrome, and it's been there a few days entertaining families. They have some llamas and camels and they really interest the dog who prefers them to rabbits and horses! Today's back blip is a silhouette of the big top they have. For the curious the two centre flags are a special Xmas circus flag that they have and the two outer ones are the Gwenn-ha-du, which is on everything in Brittany.

The big go-live has been far more muted that expected. My code went into production and I'm using it to re-write all the customer records in the system at the moment to update them. We're not actually expecting any transactions to happen for a few days though, so it's very much an anti-climax.

As I'm posting this way later I can confirm that the go-live encountered a few minor issues, but nothing we couldn't fix and the client is very happy that their invoices balance to the penny (as expected) and don't need zillions of corrections compared to their old system.

Back blip.

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