Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

Vibrant red maple …..

….. ….. ….. at my daughter’s front door. It’s quite a sight, either daytime or night-time - like it was here.

I’ve received two photos of mine, printed and framed, from The Photo Lab in Christchurch, which I’m entering in the Art Exhibition at the Arrowtown Museum, which is going to be running concurrently with the upcoming Arrowtown Autumn Festival. I’m thrilled with the printing; it looks wonderful. It was expensive getting it done so I’m hoping that they’ll sell.

I’ve just got home from having dinner with my daughter and son-in-law - so nice to have the evening chatting with them, plus getting some down-to-earth hints from my son-in-law about the electricity app on my phone - such a relief! There are several ’hidden’ aspects of it that I’d never seen.

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