
By Wildwood

Blake and Spike

Dana and Jim got back from Honolulu last night, but it was late so Blake stayed all night. I got up early because once someone stirs the dogs get excited for breakfast and I decided there wasn't much point in trying to get comfortable in bed when I knew I would be more comfortable if I just got up. I even walked down our steep driveway to get the newspaper without a problem...progress! I think no matter how quickly one recovers from what seems like a pretty major sort of surgery, one can't really be prepared for the incremental gains that must be made from posture, balance (both physical and mental) and the ability to do things once taken for granted. I got a good positive start today when I saw these two relaxing together on the porch awaiting developments.

John took Blake home after breakfast. We miss having him underfoot...he's a big dog and beginning to find it difficult to get up unless he has to. We perform an interesting minuet in the kitchen as he parks himself in front of the sink, or my feet, and I step over and around him. 

Spike had an appointment with a new vet today. We like the current one who is a friend of Dana's from college, and the clinic is close to our house, but the office is becoming increasingly chaotic, and we decided we needed to try someplace new. We had a bit of a lapse regarding the time and wound up making a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride over the hill to the new place, arriving only five minutes late. We were grateful for my disabled person's parking placard so that we could rock up right in front. We needn't have worried. They had had an emergency earlier in the morning and were running late. We liked the new guy and hope things will be enough calmer there to justify the longer drive. We both wanted to go today to meet this guy but that won't be necessary in future.The clinic building is newly built as the old one burned down in the Tubbs fire in 2017. 

We stopped off at the market on the way home to pick up some appetizers as the neighbors are coming for drinks this evening. It always seems better to have substantial appetizers that can double as dinner in a pinch. The market has lots of prepared goodies to choose from and I looked forward to going inside for the first time in ages. It was crowded and John was a bit impatient as I  wandered about. I probably would have made more sensible choices more efficiently if I hadn't been hungry....

So...a walk down the driveway, a trip across town to the vet, and a trip into the grocery store rounded out what felt like a pretty normal day.

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