
By SeaGypsy49


Arrived night of 30th June, PJ met me at Mackay airport. His mate D had flown out that day to head back home. We stayed the night & next day organised the insurance to get the wind-screen fixed. A stone from a passing truck had hit the wind-screen a couple of days before, resulting in a large crack. Of course, they waited until I got here to do the paperwork!!
After getting that sorted we headed upt to Hydeaway Bay, not far from Airlie Beach. Booked in for 3 nights.
First time for me with the camper-trailer we had brought. PJ had used it a couple of times with D, but he wanted to know what I thought about it. Not quite as big as our tent, but better use of the space. Few things to sort, and then I am sure it will be better than the tent, especially for one night stop-overs.
The Kookaburra was sitting in the tree by our site, and then a couple came & sat in another tree at the edge of our site too. Unfortantly the sun was behind them, so the photos of them didn't come out.

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