Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Some years we have goldfinches (American) around all winter and others, like this past one, they disappear for the colder months.  When I got back from SA I started seeing some brightly colored males, to my delight.  As I hunkered down in my hide for a while this morning, this male gave me some nice poses, this being my favorite.  He is not completely finished molting into his summer finery and you can still see a couple of small drab patches.  Nevertheless, he is a handsome fellow, sure to impress the ladies.

I have been tired today which is probably a combination of the weather and the fact that I took my weekly dose of methotrexate last night which sometimes leaves me tired for a day or two.  In any case, I had a nice nap after lunch today.  And now it's almost time to pick Jax up from day care.  Honestly, it's such a blessing having him go to day care once a week - good for him, good for us!

Still editing photos from South Africa - started on a bunch of Wooly necked stork images today.  I got several eye-level images of them eating large Hercules beetles which is pretty cool.  

Dark with dried cherries today.


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