The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Thank You…

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny & The Mini Princesses,

It’s finally happening. I received an invitation for a private meeting with one of the leadership team in one of the posh client rooms* and a request to attend in person.

I weighed up my options and decided that I wasn’t wasting £4 on bus fares to get binned from my job. So I joined on Teams with the concession of turning on my camera (for the first time ever in a meeting)!

Leadership lady (who is very nice and I have know her since I started) looked utterly miserable and told me about the ‘proposal’ to reduce the number of roles and that I would be going into consultation. I reminded her (very politely) that we’d both been around the block enough times to know it was a done deal and that the rest of it was ticking the legal boxes. Fair play to her, she didn’t argue the case and just continued looking miserable.

Having anticipated this happening all morning after the invitation popped up, I feel no sadness** at all about leaving my job. I really like some of the people I work with (with quite a few of them in the same boat) but I haven’t enjoyed the job for a long time and the company hasn’t been a good place to work for even longer.

So I will have to start looking for another job. I spoke to The Boss later in the afternoon (when he’s heard the news) and he asked if I’d thought about my options.

Me: “Well I’m too old to go on the game now, so that’s out”

TB: “it’s a niche market but you’re really good at giving people abuse. What about OnlyFans? Bound to be people who like that sort of thing!

Me: “OnlyFuds”***


*You remember the one O’H dear - the place where they put the nail in the coffins of the jaded horses they broke until they could no longer be flogged? Everyone knew what was coming when anyone was summoned there.

**Although I was genuinely touched by how sad Dermott was when I told him about the meeting invitation. He offered to come into the office (from East Lothian) for support.

***Or “OldieFuds” as The Prince suggested!

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