Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Cheers David!

My main activity today was attending a funeral. David and his wife Pat were members of my church and in 1989 they sponsored me to go to a Cursillo weekend. I'd never heard of such a thing before and came up with all sorts of reasons why I shouldn't go, including being pregnant. They convinced me though that all would be well and that I should go. I was 35 at the time and going on a course, away from home for 3 nights with a bunch of people I didn't know, from across Edinburgh and the Borders, did not sound ideal. In the end I ran out of excuses and went.
Those 3 days changed my life. As a result of that course, and my subsequent involvement with the Cursillo Movement in Scotland and the wider UK, I went to India in 1997. That three week visit triggered a connection which led to 6 months volunteering in a school in India in 2007 and also visiting for a month every year for 20 years. I never imagined I could feel so completely at home in another country that I could travel alone to another continent, turn up with no warning and with no accomodation arranged and not be concerned. That does not fit with my norm of needing to know that every detail is in place and safe before committing.
So thank you David, and Pat. It was an honour to be there yesterday and to pay tribute.

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