All’s Well That Ends Well!
Don’t be too shocked! This is actually a very happy yours truly on the point of being released from hospital after undergoing a general-anaesthetic operation (in and out on the same day at the Teknon Clinic, here in Barcelona) to remove a large and worrying, fast growing malign tumour from my scalp and take a skin graft from my leg to cover the gap. The prognosis is excellent, with only a few days of repose to be well-mended again - radiotherapy has been ruled out.
Part of that recovery is just to let all the worry and wonderings slip from our minds so, please, resist the temptation to ask medical questions or relate stories that you think are similar.
Finally, if proof was ever needed that lightening doesn’t strike in the same place twice, this is the forty-seventh anniversary of my father’s death. I’m sure, somewhere, he will be relieved to have been excused being part of a welcoming party!
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