
Kerr's new bike was ready to collect today. It's kind of an early birthday present for him. We wanted to get it before going on holiday, so we can take it with us and he'll have lots of time to practice with Daddy. He only managed a quick five minute go on it before dinner tonight, in the pouring rain.

He's really good on his balance bike and has been for a long time now. He easily lifts his legs and whizzes down hills on it. The man in the cycle shop advised to try without stabilisers, to avoid losing his good balance.

I think it will take some practice but hopefully he will get the hang of it soon.

Mack enjoyed his meals again today. All new tastes and all demolished well. Weetabix for brekkie, Cauliflower Cheese for lunch and Easy One Pot Chicken for dinner. With a yoghurt, a tub of fruit puree and 3 bottles of milk too. As Grandad would say, 'the boy likes his groceries' .

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